Volunteer Opportunities

To progress along the Dharma path requires tremendous purification and building merit (positive force). How to do this? One very impactful way to benefit yourself and others is to participate at a Dharma center and offer what you can and when you can.

Volunteers are at the heart of Ocean of Compassion; our center is entirely run by volunteers. We request that volunteers commit to a 6-month volunteering period if possible. Hours required vary depending on the roles, for example, 1–2 hours per week, 2–3 hours per month, or per event.

Volunteers are asked to read and acknowledge OCBC Policies including the Ethics Policy and Grievance Procedure.

Benefits for Volunteers

Volunteers who support the center a total of at least 12 hours per month on a regular basis are honored with the same benefits as members at the Sustaining Membership level, plus invitations to special teachings and private events.

How We Serve

The spirit of our volunteer service is guided by FPMT’s Inner Job Description, which helps us understand how we can develop as “inner professionals,” transforming our service into Dharma practice. The Inner Job Description can be summarized as follows:

Bodhichitta Attitude
  • I will think of others more than myself.
  • I myself will make a difference.
  • I will provide whatever beings need.
  • I will respect center rules and the five precepts.
  • I will never give up.
  • I will remember that samsara has problems. Even when things seem good!
The Six Perfections
  • Generosity: Giving what we have to others including food, possessions, comfort, time, care, protection, Dharma, and merit.
  • Morality: Giving up actions of body, speech and mind that are harmful to others.
  • Patience: Abandoning anger when problems arise and keeping a peaceful state of mind toward those who harm or displease us.
  • Joyful Effort: Delighting in the good work we do for others and persevering despite obstacles or laziness.
  • Concentration: Focusing pointedly both in meditation and in daily life.
  • Wisdom: Probing into the ultimate and conventional nature of phenomena.
Developing Skillful Communication
  • Speaking truthfully with the intention to be helpful.
  • Speaking with kind words.
  • Praising others.
  • Promoting harmony, peace, unity through speech.
  • Keeping confidences.
  • Unbiased listening.
  • Patient listening.
  • Listening with interest.

Please see below regarding current volunteering needs. For interest or inquiry, please contact volunteer@oceanofcompassion.org.

The Four Harmonious Friends, drawing by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Four Harmonious Friends, drawing by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Local Volunteer Opportunities

Center Housekeeping
Be part of the housekeeping team that keeps our center as a welcoming refuge for the community.

  • Sorting, organizing holy objects, books, puja, and miscellaneous items.

  • Cataloging books, keeping stock of the bathroom, and kitchen essentials.

  • Estimate 1 hour/week.

Event Hospitality
Be part of the hospitality team that helps welcome participants to the center, and create a sense of community.

  • Setting up sign-up sheets, and helping participants with in-person registration.

  • Setting up the space including chairs, and cushions before and after the event.

  • Setting up the tea and snacks area.

  • Current and upcoming programs needing an event host

    • Wednesday evening meditation.

    • Sunday morning meditation.

Water Bowl Offerings
Lama Zopa Rinpoche said that “the significance of offering seven water bowls is to create the cause to achieve the seven limbs, aspects or qualities of the Vajradhara state — enlightenment.”

  • Daily water bowl offerings and caring of the altar.

Audio-Visual Specialist

  • Setting up the audio-visual equipment for specific in-person or hybrid events.

  • Upcoming programs — in-person/hybrid teaching events are currently planned for weekends only.

Friday Night Dharma Movie Host

  • Hosting a monthly Second-Friday movie night at the center.

  • Setting up the TV equipment for the movie.

  • Setting up the space including chairs, and cushions before and after the event.

  • Setting up the tea and snacks area.

Marketing and Outreach
Be part of the marketing and outreach team that spread the words about the Five Pillars of FPMT.

  • Spreading the words about the center to the local community, including posting flyers at public libraries, publicizing at farmer’s markets, libraries, schools, or universities.

  • Hosting school visits at the center.

  • Planning outreach activities such as dharma talks, guided meditations.

  • Estimate 4–5 hours per month, plus additional hours prior to special events.

Remote Volunteer Opportunities

Online Program Host
Be part of the remote volunteer team that helps facilitate online programs while learning and meditating.

  • Hosting a live Zoom class, and supporting teachers and students during live sessions.

  • Current and upcoming programs needing a host or co-host

    • 1 hour on Monday evening meditation.

    • 2 hours on Tuesday evening Dharma class.

Online Marketing and Media

  • Creating media content for social media channels.

  • Publicizing center programs on online platforms.

  • Estimate 2 hours per week, plus additional hours prior to special events.