Membership Program

Why Becoming a Regular Sustaining Member Matters

As a volunteer-run, non-profit organization, we rely on your support to keep our doors open and our programs thriving.

OCBC offers a wide range of programs, including meditation sessions, compassion and wisdom classes, Buddhist study courses, non-residential weekend retreats, prayers/pujas, and wellness classes, both in person and online, at low or no cost.

In addition to high-quality programming rooted in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, OCBC provides a welcoming and inclusive space for community members seeking universal education that promotes positive human values and secular ethics.

By becoming a member or making monthly donations, you will help us continue these invaluable services.

Our immediate goal is to cover our current operating expenses, and prepare for the arrival of Geshe Tenzin Legtsok as our Resident Teacher in the summer of 2025. (Read about him here.)

By becoming a new member, or continuing your monthly donations at whatever level you are able to manage, you help us continue our mission, guided by the Five Pillars of Service.

Please consider the knowledge, connection, and benefit you have gained from visiting OCBC over the years and join the 5% of attendees who donate monthly as members.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to contribute to the wellbeing of our Bay Area community. We rejoice for you!

We are committed to using your hard-earned donations respectfully and ethically for the greatest benefit.

Eight Auspicious Signs
Eight Auspicious Signs by Bob Jacobson, Osel Shen Phen Ling

Membership Levels

Pledge Membership
Your donation will help cover the center’s maintenance expenses, altar, and puja offerings.

Your membership ensures that we can continue to record, produce, and share Dharma teachings with all via the Ocean of Compassion YouTube channel’s archived teachings.
Sustaining Membership
Your contribution will cover the center’s operating costs including rent, utilities, insurance, and online tools and services.

As a token of gratitude, we offer you free access to all meditations, most classes, and special programs.

Your membership ensures that we can continue to record, produce, and share Dharma teachings with all via the Ocean of Compassion YouTube channel’s archived teachings.
Sponsor Membership
Your generous donation enables us to invite qualified teachers and lamas in our lineage by covering their travel expenses, teaching offerings, and accommodation costs.

As a thank you, your gift will be recognized with free access to all meditations, most classes, and special programs.

Your membership ensures that we can continue to record, produce, and share Dharma teachings with all via the Ocean of Compassion YouTube channel’s archived teachings.
Custom Membership
If the above donation amounts are beyond your means, we would appreciate any amount you can offer. Please select the “Custom Membership” option below, and start your membership with a monthly recurring donation of any amount.

Donors at all membership levels will be included in OCBC’s annual puja/prayer request list to Kopan Monastery.

If you are already a member, we thank you for your generosity and support. You are welcome to stay at your current donation level if the new levels don't fit your budget. We are deeply grateful for your support, no matter the level you choose.

If the membership level donation amounts are beyond your means, we would appreciate any amount you can offer. Just select the “Custom Membership” option below.

Thank you for helping us share the authentic teachings of the Buddha, and universal education for wisdom and compassion for Campbell and the greater Bay Area community.

We delight in the vast merit you are creating by supporting your local Buddhist center.

Donation Options

Credit cards and PayPal are our most convenient donation options (see below).
You may also donate cash, checks, stocks or other assets via:

Ocean of Compassion (Gyalwa Gyatso) Buddhist Center is a tax-exempt religious non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Federal taxpayer ID: 77-0446026

Membership Signup Form

Pledge Membership
Sustaining Membership
Sponsor Membership
Custom Membership
Enter donation amount (in USD):

2023 Income and Expenses

OCBC 2023 Income and Expenses, pie chart
OCBC 2023 Income and Expenses, bar chart