Ethics Policy

Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center (OCBC) is affiliated with the Foundation for The Preservation of The Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). The purpose of the OCBC’s Ethics Policy is to help maintain and foster an environment that is safe, respectful and supportive of Dharma practice for all members and others in all traditions. The basis of such environment is conscious and ethical conduct and relationships. This shared responsibility includes refraining from behavior that harms others or negatively affects the environment in which Dharma is practiced and taught.

Misconduct on the part of persons in positions of power or trust can undermine the integrity of the organization, causing demoralization and loss of faith. Hence, the behaviors described in this Ethics Policy below are prohibited, and any properly alleged breaches shall be subject to OCBC’s Grievance Procedures.

OCBC’s Ethics Policy applies to all activities, interactions, or communications including those on-line, on social media, by telephone, in person, or by any other means as long as the activity, interaction, or communication in question concerns or pertains to OCBC-related activities, duties, or responsibilities.

It is not possible for any ethics policy to identify or include all behaviors, attitudes, conduct, practices, or concepts and the existence of an Ethics Policy cannot guarantee that all persons will behave in ways deemed ethical by all other persons. This Ethics Policy is built on a commitment to integrity, truthfulness, and fairness to all persons.

OCBC’s Ethics Policy shall be signed by and is binding upon:

  • Board members, Center Directors, Spiritual Program Coordinators;
  • Resident and visiting teachers, interpreters, introductory class leaders;
  • Employees and staff;
  • Others in a position of authority within OCBC; and
  • Those who owe a fiduciary duty to OCBC

Ethics Policy

  1. The Five Lay Precepts: The five lay precepts are the foundation of ethics for all persons while in the course and scope of performing duties, responsibilities or actions for, on behalf of, or related to OCBC. The five basic rules are not to kill, steal, engage in or commit sexual misconduct, lie, or take intoxicants. Intoxicants include alcohol, recreational drugs, and tobacco products.

  2. Non-Discrimination: Our way is to accommodate and not exclude or discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, gender, affectional or sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, pregnancy status, veteran status, age or disability.

  3. Anti-Harassment: OCBC is committed to promoting safe environments wherein the dignity of every individual is respected. Everyone participating in OCBC-related activities has the right to be, and shall be, free from harassment of any type, be it sexual harassment, intimidation, bullying, or other forms of harassment. Everyone coming into contact within OCBC shall be treated with dignity and respect.

  4. Right Speech: Those in positions of authority are committed to truthful, meaningful, helpful, and harmonious communication. When discussing others, we commit to sharing information carefully, motivated by a desire for the well-being of those we discuss. We must avoid gossip and harsh or abusive language. We recognize that this may be expressed very differently across cultures and communities.

  5. Relationships: Sexual relationships between Dharma instructors and students while a student is attending the instructor’s teachings, course, or retreat are prohibited, as long as there is a Dharma instructor-student relationship. Dharma instructors and class leaders must never use, or create the appearance of using, their authority or position to pursue or initiate sexual relationships with students, volunteers, or other participants in teachings, courses, or retreats. Others in positions of authority are also strongly discouraged from entering into sexual relationships in situations where there may be a real or perceived power imbalance. As well, no instructor, volunteer, staff member, or other representative shall make sexual advances upon any participant during a teaching, course or retreat.

  6. Qualification: Dharma instructors, visiting teachers, and class leaders shall be honest and accurate about their qualifications. Any inadvertent misrepresentation of their qualifications must immediately be corrected for the record.

  7. Personal Appearance: The personal appearance of the staff is important, because they serve as official representatives of the Center. OCBC staff should dress modestly and avoid extremes in clothing, such as that which is revealing and/or tight-fitting (i.e., exposing midriffs, cleavage, short shorts, shirts off for men) out of respect for both monastic and lay members.

  8. Finances: All income and expenditure shall be clearly and transparently accounted for using generally accepted accounting principles. Donors’ financial information shall be respected. Money that has been donated for a specific project must be used for the project it has been donated for, and not for operation expenses or other projects. Income from the sale of Dharma items must be used for Dharma purposes, not for operating or other expenses.

  9. Confidentiality: In situations where students make disclosures with an explicit expectation of privacy (including but not limited to during private interviews), instructors, visiting teachers, interpreters, and class leaders shall hold such information from students as confidential, unless they are required by law to disclose.
    According to California law, clergy are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect, unless the information is acquired during a “penitential communication,” meaning “a communication, intended to be in confidence, including, but not limited to, a sacramental confession, made to a clergy member who, in the course of the discipline or practice of his or her church, denomination, or organization, is authorized or accustomed to hear those communications, and under the discipline, tenets, customs, or practices of his or her church, denomination, or organization, has a duty to keep those communications secret.” (California Cal. Penal Code § 11166(d)). However, when the clergy member is acting in a capacity other than that of hearing such penitential communication, they are required to report known or suspected child abuse.

  10. Whistleblower Protection: If an individual or group believes that a practice or activity within the OCBC organization is illegal and/or against this Ethical Policy, and brings their concern to the relevant management, that individual or group shall be protected from retaliation.

Administering the OCBC Ethics Policy

All OCBC management, staff, employees are subject to the Ethics Policy by virtue of their voluntary association/employment with the center:

  1. Informing participants of OCBC Ethics Policy: The Ethics Policy should be included in all staff and volunteer training, and include a statement that OCBC abides by this policy and that grievance procedures exist to enforce it.

  2. Updates to the Ethics Policy: The OCBC Ethics Policy may be modified from time to time by the Board of Directors. Any updates shall supersede in whole or in part all prior Ethics Policies. OCBC shall communicate updates to the Ethics Policy within a reasonable time and in an appropriate manner.

  3. Signing and Storing The Acknowledgment Form: Board members, center directors, spiritual program coordinators, resident instructors, visiting teachers, non-Dharma teachers, interpreters, introductory class leaders, employees, staff and all others in a position of authority are required to sign the Ethics Policy acknowledgment and shall return such document to the OCBC Center Director or Center Manager who shall keep it on file. Such individuals may be required to sign acknowledgment of any updates to the Policy as a condition of continued participation at the Center.

Breach of the Ethical Policy

All complaints of alleged ethical misconduct shall be investigated thoroughly and promptly. Please refer to OCBC’s Grievance Procedures for more information on how to initiate a complaint.
