Unlocking Symbolism in Tibetan Buddhist Art

with Andy Weber

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
7:00pm – 9:00pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
in person at the center

Join us for an inspiring exploration of Tibetan Buddhist art as we delve into its rich symbolism. In this engaging talk, master thangka painter Andy Weber will guide us through the profound symbolism of Vajrasattva, the Buddha of Purification.


  • Vajra (Tib. Dorje): Held in Vajrasattva’s right hand, symbolic of spiritual awakening — the method aspect of the path to enlightenment,
  • Bell (Tib. Dril.bu): In his left hand, symbolic of penetrative insight into the ultimate nature of reality — the wisdom aspect of the path.

Understand how purification of karmic imprints in our body, speech, and mind can lead to the cutting-through transformation of our physical, verbal, emotional, and mental defilements.

Gain deeper insight into the symbolism woven into Tibetan Buddhist art, enriching your personal visualization and meditation practice. The purification practice not only enhances our lives, but also ultimately leads to permanent happiness and bliss.

All are welcome to explore the world of Tibetan symbolism.


The artist Andy Weber spent eight years in India and Nepal studying the iconographic art of Tibetan Buddhism under the guidance of accomplished masters in northern India and Nepal. His unique style is highly respected not only by a growing number of western Buddhists, but also by many Tibetan lamas who have commissioned his work. His artwork has appeared throughout the world in numerous publications, exhibitions and Buddhist temples, most notably in the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. He divides his time between teaching and lecturing all over the world, and painting and drawing for various projects. Andy is the artist and co-author of the book “Images of Enlightenment” (1993). More recently, he has published instruction manuals for sacred iconography with Tig.le productions, both in English and in Spanish. He has also taught in universities, namely Lancaster University for nine years.

His style of teaching is direct and based on personal experience and insight. For most listeners, his personal approach is an eye-opener into the sacred art of Tibet.

His art and teaching schedule is available on his website: andyweberstudios.com

Andy Weber


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Video Recordings


Suggested Donation: $20. You may register online or in person at the center.

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