Remembering the Kindness of the Guru

with Ven. Tenzin Namjong

Friday, April 5, 2024
7:00pm – 9:00pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

In person and online (Zoom)
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As we approach the anniversary of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, our revered spiritual teacher who has recently shown the aspect of passing away, we gather to honor his memory, and pray for his swift return. Venerable Namjong will guide us in understanding the profound significance of recalling the kindness of our spiritual teacher, and will lead Chanting the Names of Manjushri for Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Swift Return.

Join us for this heartfelt teaching as we learn how to properly honor, and cherish the guru’s blessings.

Ven. Tenzin Namjong

Born and raised in Hawaii, Venerable Tenzin Namjong studied philosophy at Princeton. His plan was to do a Ph.D. in philosophy, but he became disillusioned with academic philosophy because “it seemed to have lost the big picture, meaning how we should live our lives.” In Buddhism, he found a rich philosophical tradition that was still very much connected to how we ought to live.

Venerable Namjong studied and trained in Zen and Theravada traditions before embracing the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, due mainly to the kindness of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. He is currently studying in the Geshe study program at Sera Je Monastery in Bylakuppe, India.

Venerable Namjong is a registered teacher of the FPMT and teaches in FPMT Centers all over the world.


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Suggested Donation: $20. You may register online or in person at the center.

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