Embracing the Unwanted

How to Work with Challenging People and Situations

with Don Handrick

Sunday, March 10, 2024
1:30pm – 3:30pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
in person and online

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Whether at work or in our social lives, we inevitably have to face difficult people and undesired situations, and yet, according to Buddhist teachings, these challenges have the potential to become a wellspring of opportunity to deepen our practice and enhance our wellbeing.

In this session we will examine how to modify our perception of such difficult circumstances and thus deepen our awareness of the dimensions for learning that are not immediately evident to us. We’ll also examine the practical steps we can take to apply that new understanding to welcome and respond more effectively to those things we usually find unwelcome.

Don Handrick

Don Handrick has been a full-time touring teacher for the FPMT since 2021, sharing the Dharma with centers and study groups in North America and other parts of the world, both in-person and online. From 2006 through 2020, he served as the resident teacher at Thubten Norbu Ling Center in Santa Fe, NM. During that time, he also taught regularly at Ksitigarbha Tibetan Buddhist Center in Taos, NM, and volunteered for the Liberation Prison Project, teaching Buddhism once a month at a prison in nearby Santa Rosa. Beginning in 2016, Don became a touring teacher for half of each year, visiting and teaching at other centers around the world. Since 2012 he has been an active member of the Interfaith Leadership Alliance of Santa Fe.

Don has received teachings from many esteemed lamas in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Ribur Rinpoche, Choden Rinpoche, and Khensur Jampa Tegchok. In 1998 he attended the FPMT's Masters Program of Buddhist Studies in Sutra and Tantra, a seven-year residential study program conducted at Lama Tzong Khapa Institute in Tuscany, Italy, and taught by Geshe Jampa Gyatso. He successfully completed all five subjects of this program in 2004, receiving an FPMT final certificate with high honors. In 2015, he had the honor of being selected to lead the renowned November Course, a one-month teaching and meditation retreat held annually at Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal.


Our ability to continue offering these teachings is dependent on the generosity of donors. If you find this online content useful and you are not already attending the teachings in person, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind support.

Video Recordings


Suggested Donation: $20. You may register online or in person at the center.

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