Saka Dawa

Shakyamuni Buddha and Light Offering Practice

with Don Handrick

Tuesday, June 14, 2022
6:30pm – 8:00pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
online only

We are using the Zoom video conferencing system for this event. Please register below to receive your online access information.

Saka Dawa is one of the four great holy days of the Tibetan calendar, commemorating Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing into parinirvana.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche has explained that merit is multiplied 300,000,000 times on Saka Dawa. Because Saka Dawa combines these three special days, the possibility to create merit is unbelievable. To learn more about the amazing results of doing practice on this day, please watch this video with Lama Zopa Rinpoche from Kopan.

Don Handrick will lead a Shakyamuni Buddha practice and insert the Light Offering Practice within the limb of offering in the Seven-Limb Practice.

Birth, Rigpa Shedra Wiki
Enlightenment, Rigpa Shedra Wiki
Parinirvana, Rigpa Shedra Wiki

Don Handrick is a touring teacher for the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), sharing the Dharma with centers and study groups in North America and other parts of the world, both in-person and online.

Don's study of Buddhism began in 1993 after reading The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche. Over the next two years he practiced with Sogyal Rinpoche's organization, until he began attending classes in 1996 with Venerable Robina Courtin at Tse Chen Ling in San Francisco.

Don left the Bay Area in 1998 to attend the FPMT's Masters Program of Buddhist Studies in Sutra and Tantra, a seven-year residential study program conducted at Lama Tzong Khapa Institute in Tuscany, Italy, taught by the scholar and kind Spiritual Friend, Geshe Jampa Gyatso. He successfully completed all five subjects of this program in 2004, receiving an FPMT final certificate with high honors.

Don Handrick


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