Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

with Don Isaacson

Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Pacific Time
July 2, 2020 – April 1, 2021
online only

We are using the Zoom video conferencing system for this event. Please register below to receive your online access information.

In this class we will study the third of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s series of books intended for Western and contemporary Asian students. The first book gave a way to approach the Buddhist Path, and the second volume described the foundation of Buddhist practice.
While ostensibly this volume is about samsara and nirvana, it is actually about our minds. Knowledge of buddha nature reveals and reconciles the paradox of how the mind can be the basis for both the unsatisfactory state of samsara (the unpurified mind) and the bliss and fulfillment of nirvana (the purified mind).

May I read, reflect and meditate on the Buddha's teachings so that I can become a kind, compassionate and wise person. Through this may I be of benefit to all living beings, and in the long term, may I become a fully awakened Buddha.
— His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Drop by anytime — there is no need to have taken prior classes in this series.

Don Isaacson

Don Isaacson is an advanced Dharma student having followed the FPMT Basic Program courses in person for many years, and the FPMT Masters Program online, 2008 to 2013. Don currently serves on the Board of Directors at Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center and at Vajrapani Institute in Boulder Creek.


We will be using the following text:
Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature by The Dalai Lama and Thubten Chodron.
(Available at Wisdom Publications or Amazon.)

Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Knowledge of buddha nature reveals and reconciles the paradox of how the mind can be the basis for both the duhkha of samsara (the unpurified mind) and the bliss and fulfillment of nirvana (the purified mind). To illustrate this, Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature first takes readers through Buddhist thought on the self, the four truths, and their sixteen attributes. It then explains afflictions—including how they arise and their antidotes—followed by an examination of karma and cyclic existence, and, finally, a deep and thorough elucidation of buddha nature. Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature shows us how to purify our minds and cultivate awakened qualities.

This is the third volume in the Dalai Lama’s definitive and comprehensive series on the stages of the Buddhist path, The Library of Wisdom and Compassion:

  • Volume 1, Approaching the Buddhist Path, contains introductory material that sets the context for Buddhist practice.

  • Volume 2, The Foundation of Buddhist Practice, describes the important teachings that help us establish a flourishing Dharma practice.

Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature can be read as the logical next step in this series or enjoyed on its own.


Our ability to continue offering these teachings is dependent on the generosity of donors. If you find this online content useful and you are not already attending the teachings in person, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind support.

Audio Recordings


Suggested Donation: $15 per class or $50 for one month (four classes). Registration is required to receive your online access information.

Your generous donations are essential for the continuation of programs like this. No one turned away due to lack of funds.