Lamrim and Mahamudra Meditation

with Ven. René Feusi

Wednesdays, 8:45am–10:00am (Pacific Time)
May 6 – November 25, 2020
online only

We are using the Zoom video conferencing system for this event. Please register below to receive your online access information.

The purpose of this class is to nurture our daily meditation, being at home while benefiting from the community feeling.


You are familiar with Buddhism and in particular with the Lamrim teachings. Please note that this is an ongoing class.


We are using the Zoom video conferencing system for this class. Please register below to receive your online access information.

You will also receive a link to an online discussion board. After each class it is a place where students can share their insights, what works for them in integrating in daily life, their challenges, and help each others.


The class will be structured in the following way:

  • 15 minutes for technical setup (8:45am – 9:00am),
  • 15 minutes of introduction,
  • 15 minutes of cleaning the mind with the 7 limb prayer,
  • 15 minutes of developing stability on the nature of the mind,
  • 15 minutes of insight into important points of the path to awakening.

Please join at 8:45am to sort out any technical issues and to be ready for a 9am start of the class. Do not join late and interrupt the meditation.


Ideally, you would take part in all the sessions as they will complement each other, however if you have to miss one or two, recordings will be made available through the online discussion board.

I would like you to consider these as home meditation sessions, not teachings that you can watch in your living room while eating popcorn.

Best would be if you had a light breakfast before hand, clean the meditation area, make it peaceful and inspiring with an altar, present an offering to your field of merit, of at least a candle, a water bowl or a cup of tea, or whatever you are inspired to offer.

Then sit on your meditation chair, or cushion with your table in front of you with the internet screen (computer, tablet of phone) at a comfortable height.

If you consider this time as a precious meditation session and part of a retreat or a wholesome peaceful living, I have no doubt that we will all benefit greatly from the experience.

The goal of these sessions is to rekindle our joy in meditation.

Additional Information

Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center is offering these teachings along with Vajrapani Institute due to the kindness of Ven. René. These virtual practice sessions are offered for free, with an opportunity to leave a donation.

Ven. René Feusi

Ordained by the Dalai Lama more than thirty years ago, Swiss monk René Feusi has studied with some of the greatest scholars and inspiring lamas in the Tibetan diaspora. He has also performed numerous extensive retreats, including a two-and-a-half-year seclusion focused on developing mental stability. He has led large Buddhist events in Europe, Asia, and North America, and he has students worldwide.

The resident teacher at Vajrapani Institute in the Santa Cruz mountains from 2001 to 2007, he now splits his time equally between teaching and retreat. He lives in Tonasket, WA.
He has recently published The Beautiful Way of Life: A Meditation on Shantideva's Bodhisattva Path.


Our ability to continue offering these teachings is dependent on the generosity of donors. We appreciate any donation and support for this class. Thank you!

Support Ocean of Compassion Buddhist Center

Support Ven. René directly

Class Materials

Audio recordings, transcripts, and handouts:!AsBwVUOPbhYpgUDA47b4yHQMc6kg