Understanding and Contemplating Emptiness

with Emily Hsu

Thursdays, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
April 21 – June 23, 2016
July 14 – August 11, 2016
September 15 – September 29, 2016

According to Buddhism, the fundamental cause of all our problems and suffering is a misunderstanding of how the self and other phenomena exist. If we want to rid ourselves of suffering, it is essential for us to realize how things actually exist — the emptiness of inherent existence. There is no other way.

We cannot get rid of suffering by saying, ‘I will not suffer.’ We cannot eliminate attachment by saying, ‘I will not be attached to anything,’ nor eliminate aggression by saying, ‘I will never become angry.’ … The only way to eliminate suffering is to actually recognize the experience of a self as a misconception, which we do by proving directly to ourselves that there is no such personal self. We must actually realize this.

— Thrangu Rinpoche

To do this, we must (1) receive correct teachings on emptiness, (2) reflect on those teachings, and (3) meditate on them, again and again. In this class we will make efforts to do all three of these. We will follow the teachings on emptiness based on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s book ‘How to See Yourself As You Really Are’, discuss them, and then meditate on them.

Students will also have a chance to practice leading meditations, if they wish, and receive feedback on them. There will also be an opportunity to discuss any questions, issues, and obstacles that arise during our meditation practice.

Lamrim Mountain by Emily Hsu
Lamrim Mountain by Emily Hsu
How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Required reading
His Holiness the Dalai Lama,
How to See Yourself As You Really Are,
Atria Books


Our ability to continue offering these teachings is dependent on the generosity of donors. If you find this online content useful and you are not already attending the teachings in person, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind support.

Audio Recordings


Suggested Donation: $15 per class or $50 per month (four classes).

Your generous donations are essential for the continuation of programs like this. No one turned away due to lack of funds. Please contact us to make arrangements.