Discovering Buddhism, Module 2

How to Meditate

with Emily Hsu

Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
February 23 – March 29, 2016
(5 classes)
no class on March 1

In module 2 of the Discovering Buddhism series, "How to Meditate", we find out what meditation is and what it is for. Learn how to sit, how to set up a meditation session, the two types of meditation — stabilizing and analytical — and the purpose of each, different meditation techniques and objects, and how to deal with obstacles to meditation.

Kamalasila's second Stages of Meditation says:

With the power of serenity, your mind—like a lamp placed where there is no wind—will be unmoved by the winds of discursive thought. With insight, others cannot divert you since you have abandoned the infinite entanglements of bad views.

Recommended text book:

Everyone is welcome!
Although it is part of the Discovering Buddhism program, anyone is welcome to attend — you do not have to have attended previous modules.

Arhat Ajita (Maphampa)
Arhat Ajita (Maphampa), one of the famous Sixteen Arhats, Tibet House, New Delhi


Our ability to continue offering these teachings is dependent on the generosity of donors. If you find this online content useful and you are not already attending the teachings in person, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind support.

Audio Recordings


Suggested Donation: $15 per class or $65 for the entire course (five classes) if paid in full on the first day of class.

Your generous donations are essential for the continuation of programs like this. No one turned away due to lack of funds — please contact us to make arrangements.