The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

with Geshe Ngawang Dakpa

Saturdays, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
May 24, 2014
July 26
August 2

The Three Principles of the Path (lam gyi gtso bo rnam pa gsum) is a very concise presentation of the entire Lam Rim path composed by Je Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa (1357–1419).

Je Tsongkhapa is often considered the greatest philosopher and most eloquent writer Tibet has ever produced. His poem in fourteen verses, the Three Principles of the Path, was originally composed as a letter to a close disciple. This text is universally recognized as a concise yet eloquent presentation of Renunciation, Bodhicitta, and Correct View — the three essential Buddhist knowledges that a practitioner must develop to follow the Mahayana path.

Geshe Ngawang Dakpa

Geshe Ngawang Dakpa is the resident teacher at the San Francisco FPMT center, Tse Chen Ling. He is a renowned scholar of the Gelug tradition, having received the traditional geshe degree from Sera Monastery. His wisdom, warmth and incredible ability to present the teachings to westerners in a traditional, yet lively way make him a jewel to those who have had the fortune of studying with him.


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Suggested Donation: $20 per Saturday.

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