Discovering Buddhism, Module 12
How Do Things Exist?
Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
October 22 – November 12, 2013
(4 classes)
Practice Day on November 19
The Buddha said that all of our problems are ultimately
rooted in a misunderstanding of how things actually
exist. This class will explore the nature of reality and how
things really exist — emptiness — which is necessary if we
want to end our problems forever. Take this opportunity to
enhance your ability to bring about this realization, and
learn how to meditate on emptiness.
Note: this course is appropriate for students of all levels of interest.

Recommended Reading
- Virtue and Reality, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
- How to See Yourself As You Really Are, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
- How to Realize Emptiness, by Gen Lamrimpa
Our ability to continue offering these teachings is dependent on the generosity of donors. If you find this online content useful and you are not already attending the teachings in person, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your kind support.
Audio Recordings
Suggested Donation: $15 per class or $50 for the entire course (four classes) if paid in full on the first day of class.
Your generous donations are essential for the continuation of programs like this.
No one turned away due to lack of funds — please contact us to make arrangements.