Mahayana Mindfulness

with Ven. René Feusi

Monday, April 1, 2013
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Venerable René will comment on the chapter on Mindfulness in Shantideva’s Bodhisattva Way of Life:

To guard one’s practice is impossible
without guarding the mind attentively
but if the mind is bound with mindfulness,
everything becomes possible.

For a skilled bodhisattva,
each moment is transformed into virtue.
S/he will do all actions for others’ benefit,
and dedicate them towards enlightenment.
Ven. René Feusi

Venerable René was born in Switzerland in 1959. He first encountered Buddhism at the age of 20, when he attended the annual November course at Kopan Monastery in Nepal. When he was 26 he took getsul (novice) ordination in Dharamsala, India and took (gelong) full ordination the following year.

In 1988, René entered Nalanda Monastery in France and studied with Geshe Tegchok for four years during which time he also completed the traditional 900,000 preliminary practices (including 100,000 Vajrasattva recitations, 100,000 prostrations etc). Between 1993 to 1995 he completed a 2½ year solitary retreat in Spain. Since then Venerable René has continued to study, teach and guide students in meditation and retreats worldwide, and was the resident teacher at the Vajrapani Institute from 2002 to 2008.


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